My journey of self discovery...

Goodbye 2017... Hello 2018...

Reflections on a year past... Looking forward to 2018

Photo taken on Sunday, September 24, 2017 in the South of Market District in San Francisco by my deceased friend Andy (1983 - 2017) 

Photo taken on Sunday, September 24, 2017 in the South of Market District in San Francisco by my deceased friend Andy (1983 - 2017) 

As the year draws to a close, I always enjoy reading people's year end posts on Facebook and I wanted to write my own as a blog post. One of my goals for 2017 was to start a blog, so now I can look back with some satisfaction of having accomplished that, however basic and minor my blog is right now. I've been interested in blogging and writing for a while and I became more interested after seeing many friends and acquaintances start their own blogs, covering such a range of subject matter, from beauty and fashion to interior design and photography. Then I asked myself, what will I blog about? I definitely have a wide range of interests that sometimes overwhelms me, from fitness, fashion, interior design to books, movies, music and yoga. Yet I think most recently, I've been extremely interested in psychology - mostly because of my recent psychological treatment that I started after my friend Andy passed away in late September of this year. It has been extremely challenging and yet extremely rewarding. His death made me have a greater appreciation for my own life. I would like to express that appreciation by honoring my interest and desire to write and to share my writing. I've definitely done a lot of private writing in 2017. It's been very cathartic and therapeutic in getting out so many emotions that I was feeling. I look back at 2017 with a lot of appreciation, gratitude and humility for all that I have experienced and learned. I am most thankful for my family and friends who helped me get through it all - Thank you so much. I'd like to wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! 

I recently came across this I GOTTA BE ME journal by Knock Knock. When I saw it on the shelf at the store, it was like it was screaming at me, so I bought it. 

My new I GOTTA BE ME journal by KNOCK KNOCK that I got at City Target in San Francisco for $19.99.

My new I GOTTA BE ME journal by KNOCK KNOCK that I got at City Target in San Francisco for $19.99.

I'm only on the first page, and I already love it so much. I look forward to working through the journal and sharing more content as ideas come to me. 

"My heart always leads me to me!" — Stephen Colbert

Stephen Colbert quote.jpg
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