My journey of self discovery...

My First DXA Scan Results

Trying to Gain Muscle Mass and Reduce Body Fat

My friend Kin took this picture on 10/14/18 at Marshall’s Beach in San Francisco, shortly before my DXA Scan.

My friend Kin took this picture on 10/14/18 at Marshall’s Beach in San Francisco, shortly before my DXA Scan.

When I told a coworker that I was eating cauliflower instead of breads or other carbs, he said, “you can’t put cauliflower in the toaster and put butter and marmalade on it.” LOL, yeah you certainly cannot do that, or perhaps you can, but it definitely wouldn’t taste very good. I love breads, pastas, rice, tortillas, tortilla chips, donuts and other sweet pastries, however I’m giving them all up (except on weekends when meeting friends) for now in an effort to reduce my body fat percentage to 12%. Currently, I’m at 18%. I had a DXA scan done recently on October 19, 2018. Here below is a summary of my results:

Total Body Fat %: 18%

Total Mass: 172.0 lbs

Fat Tissue: 31.0 lbs

Lean Tissue: 134.1 lbs

Bone Mineral Content: 6.9

Minimum number of estimated calories your body requires daily at rest: 1,673/day

Body Measurements

Forearms: R, 11.25 / L, 11.50

Biceps (flexed): R, 15.00 / L, 15.00

Neck: 15.50

Shoulders: 50.00

Chest (flexed): 42.00

Waist (at navel): 36.00

Hips: 39.50

Thigh: R, 23.00 / L, 22.50

Calf: R, 15.00 / R, 15.00

The advisor told me that overall, my numbers look very good for my age… *sigh.* I told him my goal is to increase muscle mass and reduce body fat. He said that is possible and will take a lot of dedication and discipline. I have to focus more on strength training, trying to train each muscle group at least twice per week. In terms of cardio, he suggested doing just 20 minutes (at my target heart rate), 3 times per week. He gave me general nutrition guidelines to figure out my macros, calculating what I need in terms of protein, carbs and fats, to achieve my goal. I feel like it’s too much work to track my macros, but in general, I’m eating mostly lean protein (fish, chicken, lean beef), lots of vegetables and pretty much no carbs.

Please feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments below or email me at Thanks for reading! :)

This is the DXA Scan machine. You simply lay on it for 10 minutes while the arm scans your whole body.

This is the DXA Scan machine. You simply lay on it for 10 minutes while the arm scans your whole body.

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